Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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nirlik noun root Canada goose
nirritinut uasarvik noun root dishwasher
nirritit noun root dishes
nirrivik noun root dining table
niru- adjective root describes the amount of room in a space or an object
niruaq- verb root to choose; to pick one out of many
niruarniq stem + noun ending election
nirukittuq it is a narrow/tight space/object
nitta- verb root weather with clear visibility
nittaittuq verb root + affix/ending There is (weather with) low visibility.
niu noun root leg
niu- verb root to get off/out of a vehicle
Niupaulaan noun root Newfoundland
niuq(si)- verb root (1) to suck in air (2) to take a sip of something
niuqqaq- verb root to sip on a drink
niuqsilluakallakkama verb root + affix/ending I took too much of a sip
niurai- verb root to unload
niuraijut verb root + affix/ending They are unloading something.
niurru- verb root to visit another community
niurruti noun root something sold
niurrutiqarvik noun root + affix/ending a market
niuvasaarama nangialuamut I was so scared, I actually got off (qamutiik, etc.)
niuviaq noun root something that is bought or sold
niuviq- verb root to buy something; to trade
niuviriaqtuq verb root + affix/ending he goes shopping
niuvirvik noun root store
niuvirviralaaq noun root corner store
niviaqsaaq noun root young girl
nivinga- verb root to be hanging
nivingajuq verb root + affix/ending it is hanging
nivinngarvik noun root hanging hook
niviq- verb root to fall backwards
niviugguq he/she is being protective 
niviuq- verb root to protect offspring
nuaq noun root niece/nephew (female's sister's child)
nuat- verb root to gather
nuatauvaktuviniit verb root + affix/ending The things that were gathered/collected long ago.
nui- verb root to emerge; come into view
nuijagaq noun root sweater
nuilak noun root fur around the hood of a parka
nujalirijaujumagama stem + verb ending I need to visit a hair dresser
nujangit qujjut noun root + affix/ending white hair
nujat noun root hair
nukappiaq noun root a young boy
nukaq noun root younger sibling (same sex)
nukaqtiqpaaq noun root the youngest
nukaurnguq noun root a relative of the same sex who is younger than you who is your spouse’s sibling’s spouse. 
nukiiqtuq  noun root stroke 
nukik noun root muscle 
nukillausiriji noun root electrician