Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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taisijunnaqtuq verb root + affix/ending he/she can pronounce
taissumanikkanniq further in the past
taitsumani adverb a long time ago; once upon a time
tajan noun root ten (borrowed from English)
tajjaaraq- verb root waves on the shore on a calm day
taki- adjective root to be tall
takijuq adjective root + affix/ending He/she/it is tall; the tall one
takki- location/position out there
takkikkua pronoun those outside
taku- verb root to see
takujagaqarvik noun root museum
takujaujunnapattut verb root + affix/ending They can often be seen.
takuminaqsautit noun root jewelry
takunnaq- verb root to watch
takusai- verb root to check the nets for fish
talaviisa noun root television
talaviisaq- verb root to watch television
talaviisaqtuq verb root + affix/ending She/he watches tv.
taliaq noun root wrist watch; bracelet
talii noun root three (borrowed from English)
taliillijuq stem + verb ending He has broken his arm.
talimaiqsuqtut stem + verb ending They did it five times.
taliq noun root arm
taliqpik noun root the right side
tallimat noun root five
tallirmiq noun root Friday
tallu noun root chin
tallukkiq noun root + affix/ending a person with a big chin
tallurunnaq noun root scallop
talu noun root curtain
taluaq noun root blind for hunting (especially seals on the ice)
Talurjuaq noun root Taloyoak
talutaq noun root blind for hunting (especially seals on the ice)
tamaa- location/position around here
tamaanili location/position (and) around here
tamakkua pronoun those (3+)
tamakkuak pronoun those two
tamakkuktitunaq pronoun + ending like those two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
tamakkunani pronoun + ending in those ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
tamakkunanngat pronoun + ending from those ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
tamakkungnani pronoun + ending in those two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
tamakkungnanngat pronoun + ending from those two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
tamakkungninga pronoun + ending those two
tamakkungnuuna pronoun + ending through those two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
tamakkuninga pronoun + ending those (3+)
tamakkunuuna pronoun + ending through those ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
tamakkutitunaq pronoun + ending like those ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
tamakungnunga pronoun + ending to those two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
tamakununga pronoun + ending to those ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
tamanna pronoun that one