Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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surluuk  noun root nostrils 
surrak- verb root to make change; to have an effect
surusiq noun root child
suurlu exclamation for exampe; that is to say
suva? interrogative what?
suvaguuq? exclamation What did he say?
suvak noun root fish roe
suvijjaikkut stem + noun ending something that prevents drafts of cold air from entering
suviq- verb root cold air that enters as a draft
suvit? interrogative What are you doing?
taakkua pronoun those (3+)
taakkuak pronoun those two
taakkuktitunaq pronoun + ending like those two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
taakkunani pronoun + ending in those ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
taakkunanngat pronoun + ending from those ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
taakkungnani pronoun + ending in those two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
taakkungnanngat pronoun + ending from those two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
taakkungninga pronoun + ending those two
taakkungnunga pronoun + ending to those two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
taakkungnuuna pronoun + ending through those two (objects in motion, or in a general area)
taakkuninga pronoun + ending those (3+)
taakkununga pronoun + ending to those ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
taakkunuuna pronoun + ending through those ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
taakkutitunaq pronoun + ending like those ones (3+, objects in motion or in a general area)
taani- verb root to stand out; to be clear or bold in appearance
taaniqtujuq verb root + affix/ending It is very clear/visible/bold in appearance.
taaq- adjective root to be dark
taaqtit- verb root to black out or faint
taarniqsaq adjective root + affix/ending darker
taatsi (taaksi) noun root taxi
taatsuma pronoun + ending of that one
taatsumani pronoun + ending in that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
taatsumanngat pronoun + ending from that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
taatsuminga pronoun + ending that one
taatsumunga pronoun + ending to that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
taatsumuuna pronoun + ending through that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
taatsutunaq pronoun + ending like that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
taava- location/position there
taavanimiutaummata stem + verb ending (because) they live there.
tai- verb root to name something or someone
taika- location/position there
taikaniippa? location/position Is he/she there?
taima exclamation Done! That's enough!
taimaittuq exclamation also that
taimanna exclamation Stop! Done! Enough!
taimanngat adverb since then
tainna pronoun that one
tainna (taingna) pronoun that one
taisi- verb root to pronounce