Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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ullumi noun root today
ulluq noun root day
ulluqsiutit noun root calendar
ulluriaq noun root star
ulu noun root crescent-shaped knife
ulu noun root crescent-shaped knife
uluak noun root cheeks
uluangijaqtunga stem + verb ending I have cold cheeks.
uluriat- verb root to feel fear of feeling pain
ulurnaut noun root meat cleaver
ulurnauttiqtuq stem + verb ending He took a clever to use.
umiaq noun root boat
umiiri- verb root to beach a boat
umiirijjutit stem + noun ending rollers (for pulling a boat onshore)
umik noun root beard
umimmak (umingmak) noun root muskox
Umingmaktuuq noun root Umingmaktok (outpost camp)
ummak- verb root to grow a beard
ummattiaqtualuk stem + noun ending He grows a very full beard.
una noun root this one
unaalijaqtuq stem + verb ending He brought his harpoon.
unaaq noun root harpoon
unali? pronoun + ending What about this one?
unali? pronoun + ending what about this?
unani location/position down around here
unanngat location/position from that area down there
unapassuuq! exclamation this insignificant thing
unga- verb root to miss someone
ungaliagu noun root the day after next
ungaliqtagit verb root + affix/ending I miss you. 
ungalliq location/position the far one; the farthest one
ungammuk- verb root to travel away from a place
ungasigi- verb root to be far from something
ungasigiluaramiuk stem + verb ending it was not within his/her/its reach
ungasik- adjective root to be far
ungasittuq adjective root + affix/ending It is far; the far one
ungataa- location/position on the far side of something; beyond
ungati– location/position on the far sie of; past; beyond
ungilak- verb root to be itchy
unikkaaq noun root story
unikkaaq- verb root to tell a story
uniq noun root armpit
uniqsiut noun root underarm deoderant
unngijaq- verb root to shave one's beard
unngijautit noun root razor
unnuaq noun root night
unnuk noun root evening; tonight
unnukkut adverb in the evening
unnusa (unnuksaq) noun root (this) afternoon
unnusakkut (unnuksakkut) adverb in the afternoon