Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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tauna- (taungna) location/position down there (general area)
taunaniittuq location/position It is down there.
tauttuq noun root appearance
tautuk- verb root to watch something
tautuktitaulilauqtuq verb root + affix/ending They made him/her watch something.
tauva location/position there
tauvaniittuq location/position It is over there.
tavva location/position here in this spot
tavvatuq exclamation I hope...
tavvauna location/position Here it is!
tiglik- verb root to steal something
tigliktaujuq verb root + affix/ending It was stolen.
tigu- verb root to take something
tiguaq noun root an adopted child
tiguaq- verb root to adopt a child
tigujjaanngittara verb root + affix/ending I am not going to take it.
tigumiaq- verb root to hold something
tii noun root tea
tiigaq- verb root to whip at something
tiigarutikkut noun root + affix/ending things to whip with
tiiliurut noun root tea pot
tiivii noun root television
tikaagullik noun root minke whale
tikippit? verb root + affix/ending Have you arrived?
tikiq noun root index finger/thimble
Tikirarjuaq noun root Whale Cove
tikit- verb root to arrive
tikkuaq- verb root to point at something
tikkuaqtuq verb root + affix/ending he/she points at something 
tiktau- verb root to be blown away by wind
tili- verb root to send someone on an errand
tilijjariktuq stem + noun ending someone easily asked to do an errand.
tilliqtaaq noun root part on the infant's skull that has not hardened/fused
tillirninga quvvasittuq  noun root high blood pressure 
tilluujaq noun root bruise 
tilluujaq- verb root to have bruises on one's body
tilluujaqtuq verb root + affix/ending he/she/it is bruised
timi   noun root body
timmiaq noun root bird
tingirraut noun root sailboat
tingirrautitulauqtut stem + verb ending They travelled by sailboat.
tinguk  noun root liver 
tininnga-  noun root to be at low tide
tininngajuq verb root + affix/ending It is low tide.
tinit- verb root the motion of the tide going out
tinittullaaluk The tide is very low.
tipitirut noun root perfume
tippak- verb root to get stinky
tippaktittijuq verb root + affix/ending It made something (place, object) stink.
tiqilaaq adjective root + affix/ending the skinniest (fish or seal)