Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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tiqit- adjective root to be skinny
tiqqialik noun root baseball cap
tiriaq noun root weasel
tiriganiaq noun root Arctic fox
tisamat noun root four
tisi- adjective root hard
tisijuq adjective root + affix/ending It is hard; the hard one
tisilluqqaq noun root hard packed snow
tisipiri noun root December
tisu- verb root to slip/slide
tisujuq verb root + affix/ending he/she/it slid
tisuraq- verb root to slide down something
tisuraqtuq verb root + affix/ending he/she/it is sliding.
titiq- verb root to make a mark
titiqqakkuvik noun root + affix/ending post office box
titiqqaniarvik noun root post office
titiqqat noun root letter; document
titiqtara verb root + affix/ending I made a mark on it.
titiqtugaq noun root print (artwork) 
titiraq- verb root writes (he/she...)
titiraqti stem + noun ending secretary
titirarvik stem + noun ending desk; office
titiraut noun root pencil; pen
titsigusuttuq (tissigusuktuq) verb root + affix/ending he/she finds something funny
titsinaqtuq (tissinaqtuq) verb root + affix/ending something funny
tittaliijjut noun root a mark to indicate where the sole will be sewn on
tittulaapillakłuni verb root + affix/ending The trumpets sounded for a short time.
tivuksaq noun root berries to be mixed to the creamed fat
tuajat noun root twelve
tuapak noun root gravel 
tuaviq- verb root to hurry; to be in a rush
tui noun root shoulder
tujurmi- verb root He/she stays somewhere (for the night)
tujurmijuq verb root + affix/ending He/she stays somewhere (for the night)
tujurmivik noun root hotel
tukiliaq- verb root to go straight ahead
tukiliaqtuq adjective root + affix/ending (it is) straight 
tukimuaktitsiji noun root director (job title)
tukiq- verb root to kick/ also to stomp on seal skin to soften
tukisi- verb root to understand
tukisisimattiaqtutik verb root + affix/ending those that clearly understand
tukkarialik noun root bicycle
tuktut- verb root to catch a caribou
tulak- verb root to land a boat
tulaktarviliaqtut stem + verb ending They are going to the boat launch.
tulattarvik noun root breakwater
tulattavik stem + noun ending a place to land or launch a boat; breakwater
tulimaaq noun root rib
tulugaq noun root raven
tuluq- verb root to hit something with a vehicle