Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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tumiit noun root animal tracks; foot prints
tumisiaqqit? verb root + affix/ending Did you see tracks?
tungaliq noun root the next one
tungilia the next one 
tungujuqtaq adjective root blue
tuni(si)- verb root to give
tunijaujuq verb root + affix/ending It was given (to someone).
tunnga- verb root to be grounded
tunnganiqaqput stem + noun ending they have a foundation
tunngasuk- verb root to feel welcome
Tunngasuppunga! exclamation I feel welcome.
tunniqqut noun root gift
tunnuq noun root fat from a land animal
tunnuujaq noun root marble rock
tunu noun root back
tunu- location/position at the back of something
tununniittuq location/position It is behind me.
tununninngaaqtuq location/position It came from behind me.
tunusuk noun root nape of neck
tunut- verb root to turn your back
tupak- verb root to wake up
tupakauqtuqtunga verb root + affix/ending I woke up right away.
tupiq noun root tent
tupiqsulualiravit verb root + affix/ending You’re ordering too much.
tupiqsuq- verb root asking for something from another community or family member
tupirvik stem + noun ending a place for pitching tents
tuppalattijuq verb root + affix/ending It sounds like it hit the ground.
tuqqiqtuq verb root the tent frame falls
tuqquq- verb root to put something away
tuqsuuk noun root entrance; porch
tuqtak noun root bistort (edible plant)
tuqtu noun root trachea
tuqu- verb root to die
tuquraqtut verb root + affix/ending They die, one after the other.
tuqłualik noun root a container for storing things
tusaaji noun root an interpreter
tusaajjut noun root hearing aid
tusaq- verb root to hear a sound
tusarannaagat noun root music
tusarannaagat noun root music
tusiak- verb root to limp
tusiappa? verb root + affix/ending Is he limping?
tusu- verb root to feel envy
tut- verb root to land on something
tuti- verb root to step on something
tutipillaktara verb root + affix/ending I stepped on it briefly.
tutsiaq- (tuksiaq-; tussiaq-) verb root to pray
tutsiarvik (tuksiarvik) noun root church
tuttu (tuktu) noun root caribou
tuttulaaq- verb root trumpets sounding