Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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tuttuliaq- (tuktuliaq-) verb root to go caribou hunting
tuttuliaqsimavat? stem + verb ending Are they out caribou hunting?
tuttuliaqtuq (tuktuliaqtuq) verb root + affix/ending he is hunting caribou
tuttumik aattuqtuq he cuts/skins a caribou
tuttuminiq noun root caribou meat; caribou after it has been killed
tuttuniqqat? (tuktuniqpat?) verb root + affix/ending Did they get caribou?
tuttuttuq verb root + affix/ending He got a caribou.
tuu noun root two (borrowed from English)
tuugaalik noun root narwhal
tuugaaq noun root tusk
tuukkaq noun root a harpoon head for whales
tuullik   noun root common loon
tuuq noun root ice chisel
tuuqtuq verb root he/she chisels ice
uan noun root one (borrowd from English)
uasaq- verb root to wash
uasaqasiutilugik stem + verb ending wash them also
uasarvik noun root sink; a place for washing
uasaut noun root soap
uasikuaq noun root vest
uatsiaru ai exclamation Wait just a minute.
uattiaru adverb later
uattiaruttauq exclamation See you in a bit.
ugga! location/position There it is down there!
ugguaq- verb root to feel regret
ugguaqsimajunga verb root + affix/ending I am regretful.
uijjaaq- verb root to spin around
uijjanngu- verb root to feel dizzy
uijjanngujuq stem + verb ending She feels dizzy or disoriented after spinning around.
uik noun root husband
uima- verb root to be chaotic
uirngaq- verb root to feel sleepy
uirngaqqit? verb root + affix/ending Are you sleepy?
uiviititut noun root French
uivitituusuunguvit? stem + verb ending Do you speak French?
ujak- verb root to appear
ujalluaqtuq stem + verb ending it appeared at the right time
ujamik noun root necklace
ujarak noun root rock
ujarangniarvik noun root + affix/ending mine (mineral extraction)
ujaraq sungarmi  noun root gallstone 
ujarasujjuk (ujarasugjuk) noun root boulder
ujjiq- verb root to be aware
ujjugasugiaq- verb root to go hunting bearded eal
ujjuk (ugjuk) noun root bearded seal
ujjuk- (ugjuk-) verb root to catch a bearded seal
ujjuttuq (ugjuktuq) verb root + affix/ending he catches a bearded seal
ujuruk noun root niece/nephew (male's sister's child)
ukaliq noun root rabbit