Browse Inuktut Words & Morphemes

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tamarmik noun root all of them
tamarmikasak pronoun almost all of them
tamatuma pronoun + ending of that one
tamatumani pronoun + ending in that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
tamatumanngat pronoun + ending from that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
tamatuminga pronoun + ending that one
tamatumunga pronoun + ending to that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
tamatumuuna pronoun + ending through that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
tamatutunaq pronoun + ending like that one (object in motion, or in a general area)
tamauna pronoun + ending through here
tammariikkut noun root GPS; compass
tamua- verb root to chew
tamuajagaq noun root chewing gum
tanna pronoun that one
tapiittuq He has poor eyesight.
tappit- verb root to have an excellent sight
taqa- verb root tired (he/she is...)
taqaq noun root blood vessels (veins and arteries)
taqavit? verb root + affix/ending Are you tired?
taqpak noun root nostril
taqpakkiq noun root + affix/ending a person with big nostrils
taqqilimaaq pronoun all month
taqqiq noun root moon; month
taqqitamaat noun root + affix/ending monthly; every month
taqqiulaaqtumi next month
taqqiulauqtumi noun root + affix/ending last month
taqqut noun root stick used to manage the flame of a qulliq
taqsaq noun root 1. spot (colour) 2. appearance
taqsaqatigijangit noun root + affix/ending hues
taqta- verb root to make the sound of clapping
taqtu  noun root kidney 
taqulik noun root spotted above the eyes
tariuq noun root ocean; sea; salt
tarraqtuut noun root mirror
tarrijaq- verb root to watch television
tarrijaqtuq stem + verb ending He watches a movie.
tarrijarvik noun root cinema
tarrijaut noun root television
tasiarjuk noun root pond
tasilimmut noun root + affix/ending to where there is a lake
tasiq noun root lake
tasiqqut noun root tool used to stretch skins
tasit- verb root to stretch something
tasiujaq noun root bay
tasiuktiq- verb root to stretch a dried seal skin
tasiuqattaaq- verb root to shake hands
tataluarukku verb root + affix/ending if I fill it too much
tatat- verb root to fill something
tatsiq- (taksiq-, tassiq-) verb root to be foggy
tattuiniq  noun root constipation